Create perfectly fast Responsive websites with blux
Having a fast website that works great on any device is a true competitive advantage. Both users and search engines alike love navigating fast websites. Keep your users coming back for more and enhance your SEO with a perfectly fast responsive website, powered by BLUX.
Perfect SPEED
Websites built using Blux get 100 out of 100 scores on Google PageSpeed Insights
Perfect CODE
Create W3 standards-compliant code while designing your websites within Blux
Perfect MOBILE
Blux generates responsive websites that work great on mobile devices
See how BLUX Compares to other Popular Website Platforms *


100 / 100 Google Pagespeed score

0 W3C validator errors


66 / 100 Google Pagespeed Score

192 W3C Validator Errors


60 / 100 Google Pagespeed Score

54 W3C Validator Errors


55 / 100 Google Pagespeed Score

127 W3C Validator Errors


64 / 100 Google Pagespeed Score

12 W3C Validator Errors


38 / 100 Google Pagespeed Score

45 W3C Validator Errors

How's your current website doing? Test it out.

* All aforementioned scores are not the opionion of Blux but rather objective scores delivered by the publicly accessable Google Pagespeed Insights test and the widely accepted W3C HTML validation test when accessing the public website of each platform. All tests were last conducted on 6/24/17.

SuperCharge your webSite Speed with Blux